“Not having an estate plan in place can be lead to huge complications and expense for your heirs, and in some cases, your home never being passed on and instead ending up vacant and dragging down communities for decades.”


For free help with lawyer services, including with will and other estate documents, call Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Services:
(410) 547-6537 or (800) 510-0050


Properties not protected with clear instructions laid out in valid estate documents risk being kicked to the court system to sort out - where potential heirs will have to provide documentation, resolve disputes and possibly be forced to fend off others claiming rights to the property and parts of the estate.

Sorting out probate can often get expensive, since lawyers will need to be involved. Sometimes when the value of a property would be near-consumed by the costs of those lawyers and other legal fees, heirs end up just walking away rather than dealing with a big hassle for little reward. The result is a vacant property that can end up on the city’s tax sale roles, and languish in perpetuity, run-down and ultimately abandoned, dragging down blocks and communities for decades.

All of this can be avoided by simply having just a few legal documents in place, so your legacy passes to who you want, and without any bother on their part. Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Services is there to help. Give them a call today.

Don’t Wait, Get Straight, Avoid Probate